No Kuma, but some other text is here

This is a message by our captain Xant

(You may have heard of him from the name of this website)

Hey guys, I haven’t really opened my mouth in a while for these announcements.

This time though I really do need to say something. Yes, this is about Kuma.

When a series gets licensed, it’s proper manners to drop the work. There’s a few reasons behind this:

First, when something in our sphere gets licensed, the publisher typically looks into cracking down on (the now) illegal translation of the IP. If it had stopped, they tend to leave it be. If it hasn’t stopped…well you might be too new to remember the big DMCA sprees of the past. Big F in chat for BT.

Second, it’s a sign of respect to both the author and publisher(s). We already do gray-area work with these translations. Stepping on the toes of the people who more or less ignore us and let us do our thing isn’t really inviting pleasant feelings.
They leave us to our devices, we respect their territory, everyone wins in the end.

Finally, putting those two points together, we’re walking a tightrope in a sense. If every translator plays by the rules and respects each other and the author/publisher(s), we have a mostly well-oiled machine.
Once someone throws a wrench in by, let’s say continuing a series once it’s been licensed or they’ve been approached by the IP holder to stop but summarily ignore it, they put a lot more than just themselves on the chopping block.
In the past, when a series got an official DMCA notice, other works under the same publisher umbrella got slapped too. Not all of them, and not every time, but enough to be concerning. Even if the work was on someone else’s site and was a completely different series.
By sticking your neck out to continue translations, you put not only yourself under the blade but you also put possibly unrelated parties there too.

This isn’t about just respecting the author and/or the publisher, it’s about respecting the other people in the community who bust their balls providing translations.
Respect that they don’t want their series getting removed summarily due to your decision.
Respect that they don’t want their site possibly getting nuked due to your decision.
Respect that in our grey-area line of hobby work you sometimes might have to stop cold turkey.
Stop being a selfish, entitled censored and recognize exactly what it is you’re risking.

So why did I say all that? Well we’ve heard murmurings of other teams that will just ignore the licensing and continue translating Kuma. It’s ultimately their decision to do so and we can’t stop them.

But in that vein, the 139 unedited chapters we had planned on releasing to all of you in the coming couple weeks will no longer be coming out. We don’t wish to be caught in the DMCA trap these disrespectful idiots might set off, thus we are washing our hands of the entire series. The chapters we’ve done will remain up until we are approached to remove them, but we will not do further work on Kuma unless given the green light by the license holder. Which won’t happen.

We’ve officially dropped Kuma cold turkey. Good luck to every other team who decides to continue. I hear Russian Roulette is great to get the blood pumping this time of year.

Last time’s next linked to this song.
Here’s a new one, with extra sorrow for this week.

53 thoughts on “No Kuma, but some other text is here

  1. Thanks for all your hard work up to this point.

    And as a message to the unrelated party of people who had made talks of continuing translations separate from Xant: I understand where you’re coming from, but you really SHOULDN’T. Just, DON’T. Please. You’re going to get others caught up in the splash radius of the consequences of your actions.


  2. deltaangelfire

    Well, now I have to go looking for these other groups for the kuma fix if the unedited release isn’t happening here. Sad to know that 139 chapters of translation work is going up in smoke but nice that it’ll be released over a very long and continuing span of time to draw more attention instead of just being done now -_-

    Liked by 2 people

    1. David

      Deltaanglefire sorry that my message got posted to you! My phone seems to be acting up and it went to you as a reply even though I wanted to put it as a message on the threat on its own.


  3. Cmon guys

    First off, thanks for your translations up to this point.

    Now, I want to say: stop saying others are idiots for translating the WEB NOVEL which is still up. You link to the raws still. I can, and have, gone to the site and can view the original JP text with no paywalls, no hassle.

    It is very wrong for people to translate the LIGHT NOVEL version. And I would agree with you there.

    However, you are BELITTLING people telling them not to translate the still available WEB NOVEL version.

    Get. Off. Your. High. Horses.

    Once again, thank you for your time and effort since I discovered you guys. I also thank you for linking the raws. But frankly, you guys are incorrect in your conclusion. You are the idiots.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Thanks for your kind (lol) words.

      Light Novel or otherwise, Kuma has been officially licensed in novel form for the western audience. If you think the differentiation between light novel and web novel is enough to stop a dmca hit if the company wants to drop one, feel free to continue. I can guarantee it won’t be enough.

      You are right in that they are actually different things, but they fall under the same intellectual umbrella. It’s just not worth continuing, especially when the TL originally did this to get the work noticed in the west due to their personal enjoyment of it.

      There is no ‘high horse’ in our reasoning. The IP is now licensed for the west. That’s simply all there is to it.

      Might I also add, just because you can view something on the internet for free doesn’t make it free real estate.

      Sorry you can’t understand that.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ville Niemi

        I am guessing that you actually are talking about how the original author has the copyright even if they make the web novel available for free so that unauthorized translations are still illegal and now that an “author approved” (ie. licensed) translation is available, there is no longer any justification to violate the authors copyright? That would be perfectly valid argument. If you bothered to actually make it.

        It would be legally meaningless of course since the light novel being licensed makes zero legal difference to web novel translations but your right to choose when and how you violate the copyright law is not something anyone can complain about. So perfectly valid.

        Incidentally, you misunderstood what the expressions “on a high horse” means. It is specifically about how you communicate, it does not imply there is anything wrong with your reasoning. The original image is a noble on horse telling people what to do without properly explaining why and then looking down both figuratively and concretely on people who fail to understand what he clearly just said. Repeatedly. It is about failing to understand that people in different positions have different contexts and may lack parts of the background needed for understanding you take for granted unless you provide it.

        Sorry, if the above seems condescending or insulting but I get this issue a lot (used to read a lot -> thinks everybody knows lots of things most have never heard of) so I kind of feel the need to comment when I see it in others.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. I like how you call out that commenter for not being very polite. It’s almost like they were matching the tone of your own post. (lol). How about you communicate with some dignity and decency, then maybe you’ll get some in return?

        The flaw in your argument is that Seven Seas never just stated the series name, they always explicitly state that it is the light novel and the manga. They never mention a blanket IP ownership or the web novel. The fact the raws are still up shows that the web novel is still allowed to be freely available as they have decided it is different enough to be considered a separate work. Otherwise they wouldn’t need to make a distinction in their announcement that they only had the light novel, and the raws would be taken down.

        In fact, isn’t the author still posting new chapters to the web novel? It’s not just “still up”, it’s actively being updated and worked on for free and publicly available even after being licensed both in Japan and internationally.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Man people get entitled when it comes to stuff like this, it sucks you had to write such an obvious post, and its especially terrible that you all got heat for respecting basic unwritten rules of the translation community.
    Thanks again for all the hard work you put into Kuma, I hope whatever you choose to do continuing forward is as much fun for your team.


    1. So many people have forgotten (or never heard of) the unwritten rules, to the point where people ignore it and mock the ones who follow them.

      C’est la vie. Watch something grow long enough and it’ll eventually deviate.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Demosthenes

    Soooo, what I’m getting from this post is that; not only are you cowards, but petty cowards. You promise a release, then because people made you feel bad by showing interest in picking up what you dropped in fear proves them braver than you, so you then rescind that release in spite. Way to go, “Child of the Year” award goes to…

    “If we posted Kuma any slower it would be unbearable” needs to go. You can’t post any slower than not posting so that phrase is moot. Having it at the top of the site is an affront to my eyes.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. We said we’d release the unedited chapters due to us dropping it, but since others are continuing translations when the IP is now licensed, it isn’t worth putting our necks on the line. Also why help people flout the publisher?

      We, like other translator groups, owe you nothing as we don’t take payment for our work. If we say we’ll do something and change our minds, it’s well within our rights to do so.

      Frankly I’d rather be called a ‘coward’ than be someone who disrespects the other members of the contributing community and the people who create the works we all enjoy. The trade-off is worth it.

      Sorry that you feel entitled to our work. It’s a shame the community has fallen to this point.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Demosthenes

        Nothing you said makes any of my statements less true, but I must address something. Your reply made it sound like my frustration at you “changing your mind” was unfounded or morally wrong. You even said I felt entitled to it so let me put it in different terms:

        If someone promised to meet up with you for a date, then stood you up… would you or would you not be justified with being angry? If someone goes on a trip, and promises you a souvenir then comes home empty handed… don’t you feel let down?

        Just because you aren’t doing this in a professional capacity doesn’t exempt you from being an upstanding member of the community you created. When you make a promise it is common courtesy, and morally upright to deliver on it. Whether it is within your rights to change your mind or not doesn’t change the fact that actually changing your mind is universally seen as something only degenerates do. I do not feel “entitled” to your projects, but I do feel wronged when someone breaks their word.

        If you’re so ashamed the community has fallen.. then I’d like to remind you that most collapses of national communities, or revolutions, in history were started by the leaders of those communites being irresponsible or otherwise caustic to their citizens. The other big factor is normally famines which is interesting because here we have both word-breaking leaders, and a lack of sustenance in this community now.

        Viva la Bearvolution!

        Liked by 3 people

  6. Solo

    I am going to agree with Xant. Calling him or anyone else names is a childish thing to do. I found this series thanks to this website and I enjoyed it very much. I am giving Xant and team a big Thank You for doing the translation up till now. I will be buying the novels from Seven Seas when it comes out. This isn’t the first series I was into that got into this situation, but I will have to agree that it is better to play nice, rather than going rogue, so as to not get on the bad side of the authors and publishers. I have been hoping to get a professional translation so I can see the images from the novels.

    If you want to keep reading the WN series, try google translate. Yes I know it is a mess, but I am able to get most of the story with it. This is one of the few series that google translate does a good enough job that I can read it and understand what is going on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Calling him or anyone else names is a childish thing to do.”

      Did you not read the post? Xant is being completely childish by your own standards. That was not written with a hint of dignity, respect, or decency, and includes plenty of name-calling. It’s a tantrum because they can’t deal with the fact their fans are upset, when it should have been an obvious outcome. They should have kept quiet if they couldn’t manage to be even slightly polite about it.

      I’m not talking about the substance of the post here, just the tone and the motivation behind it.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. no

    Except the DMCA takedowns you’ve referred in your post is because the fools translated the LN version when an official licensed ver exists, while the WN ver is completely free and kumanano still updates it, unlike the other webnovels where the author stops/slows down their WN releases by weeks after getting licensed, and you don’t need to pay to read them, hence, you can still continue to translate it without a care, don’t even pull dumb stuff out of your ass against this fact.
    stop acting like a god and admit that the translators don’t want to translate it anymore already.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Just because content is available online for free doesn’t make it actually free to use and work with. The publisher has taken the IP and licensed it. Webnovels and lightnovels alike have been hit with dmca notices in the past, even if it was only the LN version that got licensed.

      I’d recommend you take a bit to learn about the translator before you insult them, as they not only translated the WN but also the Manga, and the entire reason they did all this was to get the series noticed in the West. With that clearly accomplished due to the licensing, and the translator’s respect to the author/publisher (not something I imagine you would comprehend), they have decided dropping it was the play to make.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Willanya

        Seven Seas doesn’t own the whole IP for the west just for publishing the LN :) life would be easier if that kind of scummy contracts still were in use, OBVIOUSLY the publisher wants you to think otherwise. Also, are you sure all the DMCA fan translators receive are official or even from the actual source? It was discovered in Japan that an unknown group has been sending DMCA to fan groups under the name of Nintendoor for years!!! For a whole IP takeover we are talking about a Disney level business.

        Don’t trust all the people that tell you this though, please consult with a lawyer expert in copyrights.


  8. Demi-human

    First of all thank for those years
    Kuma is one of few novels when I start to read novel. During time every week I really enjoyed your translation and troll you give to us lol
    I really hope for unedited Kuma chapters but it seem it not gonna happen and you right DMCA traps are everywhere better to be safe than sorry.
    Reminder To those who want more Kuma Google translate+imagination may help a lot


  9. x4gottenx

    Thanks for all the work you have put in for the series, it’s been a great couple of years. It is understandable for you guys to choose the path you did. A bit disappointing that the unedited chapters wouldn’t be released, but also found it a bit weird when announced to do so in the first place since even that seems like it’ll step on the toes of said people to an extent.
    Seems alot of people are being annoyed about the drop of the WN even though the LN is licensed here. All I have to really say is that once they start doing stuff internationally said people have to have all their copyrights in lawful order, so as mentioned, it doesn’t just apply to the LN but to the intellectual property as a whole. As to why WN are still up and free of many LNs, I imagine that it’s basically due to the goodwill of the author and publisher that the hosting sites have it up with their consent. Said consent that is muddy grey while the IP is not yet international, but has to be clear once it is.


  10. Sumasuun

    While I am disappointed the unedited chapters won’t be released your decision is perfectly reasonably and understandable. I’m sorry you’re getting so much hate from people that is obviously undeserved. Thank you for all the Kuma and for getting it noticed for publication!


  11. yeahreally

    Thanks for introducing us to this wonderful story. I’ll definitely add the official releases to my collection whenever they’re published. Just wish it had been JNC that picked up the license since they tend to be faster.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Irina Akashira

    If this is your decision, it can’t be help

    I just say that you should consider that the “official” light novel’s license, legally involves just the offical publication from japan

    The webnovel is pfreely published and exposed to Internet

    Everyone can read it, either to knowing japanese, or having a good machine translator

    In fact, when you were translating quite slow, I lost patience and read several arcs from machine translation

    A curious side comment

    Concerned for SAO’s matter (when was licensed), when Log Horizen began to be translated, it was a litle debate in the translators either to translate from the light novel or from the original webnovel, to not be affected to be licensed

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Jan Šunda

    I understand that you don’t want your sites got in the trouble by Translating licensed ip but you should try to ask author for permission to translate his webnovel. I saw this ounce in other site when they have it obtained.I think is wort trying.
    Thanks for your effort on translation so far and good luck for the future.


  14. Drachnon

    As far as copyright is concerned all fan translations are not okay.
    Authors have the exclusive right to translate or have their work translated. The only reason why no one bothers with trying to stop fan translation before the IP gets licensed is that there’s no benefit, neither financially nor practically.

    If there is no official translation there no market with which the fan translation competes and even you tried to sue for damages you probably spend more on the court case then you’d get back.


  15. Ugh, now we’ve all gotta wait until JUNE 7th 2020
    Until we can get our bear fix!
    It’s gonna be a long year(well, 3/4 of one anyway).
    Though out of curiosity, how far is the current translation in comparason to the LN?


  16. A suggestion that might be worth considering. Back when Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken was being translated by Guro, they actually contacted the author and managed to get permission to keep translating. If you want to continue, this could be an option that’ll satisfy all parties, protecting you from DMCA as well as setting a good example. If they say no, then you’ve done everything you can and nothing else can be said.

    Liked by 4 people

  17. Shitty readers

    wow lots of entitled shits. After getting free translations, you’re now attacking the translators just because they want to stop because they don’t want to trouble themselves and the author/publisher because it got licensed? Wew

    Why is it that when some translators quit translating because they got bored, they still get well-wishes but those who quit because they want to respect others get bashed?

    Shitty human


    1. KumaKuma

      No one attack translators.For me I respect their decision to drop this WN and I have nothing to say when they announce the new but when they mocking the other translators who want to pick up I feel bullshit.Most of us know WN is free for all internet readers and just afraid others translators won’t pick this WN cuz of him.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. NaruYuuki

    Thanks for all of your hard work in translating Kuma until now
    i dont know and dont really understand about license for WN or LN and i dont really care about it
    but i do know that mocking someone is bad
    even if i’m just a leecher NEET i still know the rule in society
    i’m not taking side here, not at all.
    I’m just sad i cant read kuma again
    i hope sevenseas will publish kuma in my country which is very unlikely

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Bifrous

    Thank you for your hard work over these Years.

    Glad that you made the novel popular enough to get licensed ;D
    and i really respect your for making the decision of dropping the translation because of it.

    Have fun with your other translations and don´t take some of the ramblings in the comments to seriously.
    “Free,, content always seems nice until you get a legal notice with consequences .


  20. kumafan

    Thank you so much for all the work over the years guys! It’s been a fun ride and I’m glad the series got licensed like the translator wanted. time to find something to fill the gap till the official books come out, or learn japanese!


  21. Natsumi

    Thanks for the translations I really enjoyed them. I was surprised by the new release from an anonymous site that had not the most enjoyable reading experience. So I tried looking up here what happened and I have to agree that this new translator is pretty much ignoring all courtesy rules like taking over a project that gets licensed.


  22. Milk

    Aaaaw its s*ck, i really enjoy weekly dosage of kuma. thank you for all the yranslation, and goodbye to the unborn 139 chapter unedited version T.T

    I hope you found another gem again ><


  23. Nyanhoteph

    still sad….
    i am not western people and i live in village far from civilization, so if a novel get licensed it mean the end…
    my home don’t even have a address…
    sooooo, i hope with this you and your minions can translate more other novel like izakaya or lady rose?
    thank you for your hardwork, i really happy that you all translate this series, it make me remember that time when i read this series using mirror…
    i will always remember this happy sad memory 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Gaulby

    It’s a reasonable and valid argument. Just sad that the unedited chapters won’t be released anymore now that it will take at least 4 years for Seven Seas to reach this point.

    Thank you for all the hard work and time you spent on Kuma.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Lynkaster

    Completely agree even if I’m a massive consumer of those un-official pirate translations x’) thanks for all your translations till now and hope you won’t get any problems from it.


  26. Lorreth

    Thanks for all the Kumas! While I am happy that we now have US licensing I wish they could line up more of the books and sooner. Hopefully the Kindle translations will be at least as good as your work, which has been superb. I’ll have to explore some of your other stuff now that I am done binging on kuma.


  27. andom G

    Thank you for all the work you have done, i hope you going to pick up another series in place of kuma, i have faith in you, your works and especially your taste! Again, thank you for all the hard work and time you spent on making these posts.


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