Small Announcement

Serious Girl will be put on hiatus until I eventually finish my college course, which should hopefully take a couple weeks minimum. After I finish my course, I will have more time to focus on translating, so I hope you all look forward to it.

3 thoughts on “Small Announcement

  1. Regards, sorry for writing something weird, I am using the Google translator to translate it since I do not speak English.
    At the beginning, thank you very much for all your work and dedication to the novel of “The Bears Bear”, is a novel with a different style and very funny, I discovered it in Spanish, but unfortunately they had not translated more than 10 chapters, so Which I gave to the task of finding this novel and found your page, it’s great all the effort you’ve put, I’ve translated grcias to Google, even though it still gives me every nonsense but good.
    I wish you much success in your university course, I hope you can continue translating this novel in a future, but in case of no, there will be no problem, since the most important is your development as a person, I thank from the bottom of my being, All the effort to share with such great novels.
    Take care, receive a greeting from Mexico, greetings and a pleasure to meet you.
    Atte. Francisco P.


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