
It was my birthday as of August 19th. I took the day off from all editing work.

Tomorrow/Today will have content being posted. This may or may not include a certain chapter 8 of something.

I will also look into ID, as Senna should have something for me.

Astarte has a chapter somewhere, Ash just got back from Japan and is busy unpacking still.

HTG…well you all know about that.

And that other series, uh, no idea.

Kansu is still on hiatus due to 9 ‘holding it hostage’.

In other news, there was a real fallout regarding some translations on another site. Talk about a show.

Here is some Kansu fanart sent to me, they’re pretty good :o

Crushing Thor’s Hammer

Drawn by Winter

Ryua & Kansutoppu!

Drawn by Kanne

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